Ryker Kay Nelson, at six months you:
- are a screamer. Not the 'I'm going to get mad and scream'... but the 'I just like the sound of my own voice' scream. And it's hilarious
- have become a thumb sucker to a certain extent
- have improved so much on your hand-mouth-eye coordination. You grasp things so well with both hands, and then throw whatever it is. Or give it a good taste test
- have started rice cereal at dinner and don't seem to mind it too much (2.20.14)
- are still in size 2 diapers
- are starting to not be such a puker. YAY!!!
- are outgrowing your 6mo clothes. We've had to move you up to some 9mo things. Tears
- are still EBF and I could not be prouder that we've made it 6 months
- are going longer during the day without eating, every 3-4 hours, still taking a 4oz bottle of bm while with your grandma's
- love to pet your puppy dogs (more like pull their hair)
- caught your second cold around February 10th - thanks to your Grammy Sandy - then you got daddy and mommy sick
- push yourself up and try to tuck your legs under you
- have discovered your toes - and they are delicious, especially while getting a bum change
- have so much fun splashing in the tub
- have some hair! It's finally starting to thicken and darken a little - even though everyone seems to think you'll be blonde, I think it's dark
- have fantastic blue eyes
- start getting ready for bed at 7:30pm, and if we are one minute late on that, all hell breaks loose
- get up 1-2 times a night still, and mommy is okay with that
- give big, sloppy, wet kisses... that usually turn into you sucking on our faces
- scratch eyes, necks, faces, chests - and it doesn't feel great, I'll be honest. But I think you're learning the concept of depth
- turn yourself in circles and scoot yourself backwards
- have the best laugh - it's turned into a full on giggle and you think everything is so funny
- are great at sitting up on your own
- have rolled over from tummy to back only a few times. You're just not interested in it
- just started rolling from back to belly (2.27.14)
At your 6 month appoinment your stats are:
- 17 pounds 8 ounces (49%)
- 26.5 inches long (51%)
- 17 in head (80%) hahaha!
You are such a good boy, and we really mean that. You still aren't much for crying unless you are hungry or really tired. Other than that, you just like to hang out and read books or play with toys all day. You are happy and healthy and that's what matters to mommy and daddy. You have been a complete joy to have in our lives and we are so blessed your sweet spirit is with us. There are days when I struggle to remember what life was like without you.
Happy 6 months sweet baby, we love you so.
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