Monday, March 4, 2013

When it rains, it pours

I was really hoping 2013 couldn't get any worse than it has been the last two months. Losing Boede was traumatic. We still aren't over losing him. A dear, dear friend of mine lost his mother the beginning of February to brain cancer...

I was praying after our trip to Jackson Hole things would settle down, but luck has never really been on my side. The 27th of February I was at work and got a hysterical phone call from my mom. Between the screaming and hysterics, I managed to get out 'Mia' and 'fell'. So I told her I was on my way. Mia is my Norwegian Elkhound, Chow, Lab mix. I knew at 75lbs I couldn't pick her up if it was bad, and by moms reaction, I knew it was bad. So I called Scott long enough to say 'get to moms now.' and hung up. I managed to call the vet and tell them I had an emergency and I would be there in a few minutes.

When I got home, Sissy was laying on the deck and Scott was hovering over her, she was shaking profusely. Scott kinda shook his head at me and I knew what that meant. We tried as gently as we could to pick her up without hurting her anymore than she was already and get her in my Tahoe. I sat in the back with her and tried to give her some comfort and I tried to comfort myself for what was coming. We ran into one of the rooms they had ready for us and had to sit there with her until the vet came in, it felt like forever... All the vet had to do was come it, look at her front leg and feel it. He told mom, Scott, and I that it was broken and we only had one option...

Mia was standing on Moms deck and Diesel was running out of the house and just bumped her enough on her left side that she lost her balance and fell on her right shoulder. That's all it took for it to break.

We are completely devastated and heartbroken. We rescued Mia when she was 8 or 10 weeks old - almost 12 years ago. I should have known she was stubborn when we picked her up, she was all alone from her brothers and sisters trying to chew her way through a metal cage. I remember bringing her home and she sat in my lap the whole way. She was this tiny, round white fluff ball. And so freaking cute. But as mentioned, she is stubborn and so so naughty... She has ate: drywall, retainers, door jams, eye glasses, rocks, etc. She may have very well been part goat along with everything else. The people we took Mia from originally named her "Isabella" and called her "Bella" but she was not a Bella at all. So at that time, the first Fast and Furious was out - I was obsessed. So I named her after Vin Diesel's sister  in the movie, Jordana Brewster  - "Mia".

It has been so hard going home and not having Mia meet me at the door. Even the boys have been looking for her, they've never been at Grandma's and not had sissy there. It's just not home without her there. I don't know what I'm struggling with more, losing Mia and the whole circumstance behind it all or the fact my mom is all alone now. It kills me. Since Scott and I left, it's been the two of them. And now she's gone. I hate it and I hate I live so far from her.

I'm sure there are some of you that aren't dog people, or animal people for that matter, and are confused to the fact of why I am so distraught over this entire event. I've been raised around animals my entire life. This baby will also be raised around animals. In the short amount of time you get to spend with them, I have learned they teach you so much about life. I can leave the room for 5 minutes and when I come back, a dog is happy to see you. They spend the majority of their day just waiting for you to come home so they can give you loves. Nothing makes me happier than seeing pup tails going a mile a minute just because I've pulled into the drive. They know when you are sick, sad, happy, mad... And act accordingly. They don't leave your side. They are your protector. They are your personal heater or pillow.

Like I said, we are devastated. As with everything else, it will take time. Although we'll more than likely get my mom another dog, there will always be a hole in our hearts for our sissy girl. No one can replace that little white fluff ball and her goat like tendencies. But I do know, there are 100's of dogs out there who get no love on a daily basis and are in dire need of a home. When our hearts are ready to bring another dog in, we will rescue one, in Mia's honor. The hole we fill right now will be slightly filled with the love for a new pup, but she will always be in our hearts. Here are some recent pictures:

1 comment:

  1. Aw.. I am sorry for your loss. I can totally relate. I grew up always having a dog, and the one my parents have now (Tex, golden retriever), I can't even think about how it will be without him there. They're a part of your family, and it's hard when you lose them. So sorry!
