Scott and I bought our first home in Blackfoot this month. We will move in around January 27th. SOOO crazy. I will be in school at the time, and two days later Scott will be going to Florida for a week for training. We are so excited, a little overwhelmed but very excited to have a home to call ours. It's about 6 or so miles out of town, it's so peaceful and quiet. We are in a neighborhood that has about 12 homes. The lot to the left is empty, but there is a home on the right. We haven't met any of the neighbors yet, but we did hear the ones to the right own the Arctic Circle in Blackfoot. I'll keep everyone posted about how moving in goes. We have already started packing... Good knight do we have a LOT of crap!
Scott gt a promotion last week at week. He is now the Asphalt Operations Superintendent. He is in charge of all things asphalt, the stationary plant and the portable. Best news of all, he doesn't have to live out of town for 6 months out of the year!! Who has 2 thumbs and is excited as all get out?? This girl right here! I am so proud of him, he has busted his butt and has proved himself to the company. He deserves this so much and is so excited about it! Which he should be!
I just finished my 2nd to last academic semester of school! Spring 2012 will be my last one, then my practicum and I will graduate a year from now. I would be done in August, but since the University is so short on money, they cut a dean in the summer and they about force you to stay an extra semester to do it. I am convinced it's to squeeze more money out of you, but that's my own thoughts! :) I am so proud of myself! I cannot wait to be done... Oh wait, I'm not done! I've made the decision to go back and get my Master's as soon as I'm finished. My program will only be 18 months and it's fully online! I am hoping I can get a job and do my schooling at the same time. the nice ting aout being where we are is I can go North to IF, South to Portneuf, or stay in Blackfoot and work at the hospital there. I am hoping I will be able to find something by the time I am finished.
Weding plans are going along very nicely. I found a dress the day after Thanksgiving for like 55-60% off and it is to die for. It's amazing! Really all we need is clothing for the boys/men, cake, and flowers and we're done. I've been making sure every spare second I have I am doing something wedding related. We got our proofs back on our invitiation, I designed them, and they look magnificant! I think I would like our cake to make them in some way. I am hoping to stick with my table idea, but it has changed already since we first started. We were originally going to go Vintage, but after I got my dress, which is more modern, I decided to change our idea. So now we are going rustic feeling. I think it fits us more, Scott is kind of a rugid little individual and I have always wanted to get married in my cowboy boots :) Haha... So, it kind of makes sense!
We had a very easy going Thanksgiving. Scott, me and my mom just ate here at our house and had a pretty casual get together. I made a few pies, cookies, and some rolls. Scott made his famous Candied Yams, famous to us anyways! It was a nice time. My dad had to work and Scott's parents didn't want to come up, long story, so it was just the 3 of us and really I wouldn't have had it any other way!
Well friends, Merrry Christmas. I hope everyone has a great holiday with your families and friends. Remember it's not about what you get or how much you get; Christ is the reason for the season.