Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Reality Check

It's crazy how the smallest things throw me into reality. In around 115 days (give or take) I am going to have a newborn. We bought Baby N a crib mattress - by the way, why doesn't anyone tell you there are 100 different kinds of crib mattresses?? Uh, foam v. spring, organic v. not, lots of coils v. kind of a lot of coils.... Good grief. After much research i.e. searching recalls, looking at materials used, history of brands, and just basic product reviews, I think Scott and I found a winner that was a relatively good price. Considering this little fella will be shackin' up in his bassinet for awhile before he even goes in his bed, there was much thought and consideration put into that purchase. Now watch the kid hate it. Just our luck. Anyways, the purchase threw me into a tailspin of reality, something kinda like this.. Holy crap, now this crib isn't just a frame, it's the bed where our child will sleep! I'm new to this whole baby world, and every little thing makes me realize how close it is to him getting here. Not to mention everyone, and I do mean everyone, is having babies right now or is currently knocked up. Obviously there was NOTHING to do this last fall/winter. Hahaha! All these babies coming into the world makes me anticipate the arrival of ours even more.

Speaking of the little character, we had another doctors appointment today. This one was just the checkup. He and I both look great. Good, strong heartbeat again and he's measuring exactly where he should be - closer to 24 weeks which is what his ultrasound said. I have definitely gained some weight in the last 5 weeks, 9lbs to be exact, and I'm pretty sure doctor office scales are the devil! Ha. When she was messing with the dial, I thought, surely I'm not up that high yet! I do feel lucky that it's centered right in my belly, no place else. As a matter of fact, I can still wear my pre-pregnancy pants just fine. So I'm feeling really lucky! My next appointment will be the ever fabulous glucose drink and that will put me into my third trimester. Down.hill.slide.

On Saturday, Scott and I went to Idaho Falls to go to a few green houses and pick out some trees for our front yard. While he was getting fuel, I could feel our guy kicking and moving around, so for giggles I pulled up my shirt wondering if I could see anything yet, honestly not expecting to at all. Nope, I was wrong. I sat there and watched and next thing I know I see this crazy fast... thing (a knee, fist, foot... idk!) poke out of my stomach! It was flipping wild! So if you see me in the mean time with my shirt up, staring at my belly, you'll know what  I'm looking for :)

Well, I just wanted to share my little story from Saturday and let everyone know that today's appointment went really well! I do have Sunday's 24 week picture I need to get posted. Hope everyone is doing well on this last day of April!

1 comment:

  1. I hate getting on the scale at the Dr. Worst thing ever! That's so fun/crazy when you can actually SEE the baby move, I love that though!!
