Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nothing Really...

I don't really have anything remarkable to post about,
just the fact that Scott left for work yesterday and it
is kind of a bummer, okay, a huge bummer...
He will more than likely be gone till the snow comes,
so 2ish months I would believe. Did I mention what
a bummer this whole situation is?? It's not too
far that I can't load up the dogs and go for a
little drive, but the fact he doesn't come
home at nights, well its sad :[
Awww, the life as a 'wife' of a construction worker.
Other than that... This household is just gearing up for FaLL
and all the little goodies that go with; the corn stocks, pumpkins
and gourds, the smell of cinnamon pouring through my house the
next 3 1/2 months, and Halloween, which is in my top 5 of fav
holidays! I need to dig in my closet for the sweaters and long sleeves,
cause brrrr it was a chilly morning! But the afternoons.....


  1. Hi Maren,
    I saw your blog on Suzies comments...just wanted to say hi!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ok so I wrote a comment and it made no sense really so I will try again... HEY! I didnt know you had a blog! yay! If you want to see ours its newitcouple.blogspot.com Sorry about the hubby going away that has to be tough! I can not handle things like that! you are much tougher then me... hope you are doing ok! loves!
