On Friday night, my BFF Hilairy's husband Tyler (the wedding I just did the planning for) got in a major wreck around Freedom, WY. He and his friend were out hunting, when the friend missed a turn and the vehicle they were in rolled. Tyler was ejected out of the truck. He was Life Flighted to the University of Utah in critical condition. He had to have his left kidney, his spleen and half of his pancrease removed, his neck is fractured and he will have to have facial surgery to repair the damage. As of last night, his right kidney is not working properly and they are doing their best to try and make it strong. He has been fully sedated to check for more internal bleeding/injuries and to make sure there is no spinal cord damage. This is not the way to spend your 'newlywed stage' of marriage. She is a full time student at ISU and is worried she will have to withdrawl from this semester to stay at her husbands side.
Please keep Hilairy and Tyler in your prayers.
Best of luck to you both. We love you lots!
hey maren, this is kyrsten (hansen) geddes. I found your blog through lindsey packards. i just wanted to say im so sorry about your friend. that is a horrible thing to deal with. i will definitely keep them in my prayers.